Conversations with ATX Leaders: Mike Martin

Emergent Leader Initiative Coach and retired business leader, Mike Martin shares what he is seeing among young business leaders during this time. “This a fantastic opportunity for young leaders to go through chaos.  An opportunity for really learning and observing.”


Mike and ABBA team member, Jeff Johnson, reflect on how difficult seasons produce a type of education you cannot find elsewhere. We have the capability to become more prepared for the future due to this challenging time as this pandemic tests a leader’s resolve, creativity and courage. “You never had this opportunity in the classroom. Suddenly you are faced with extravagant change and demand.” shares Mike. When the whole world feels a bit foolish, young leaders have a chance to step out and use their voice in a way they may have been intimidated to do when things were “normal.”


This pandemic can create space for us to develop a renewed sense of dependence on God. “Most leaders can get pretty independent.” notes Mike, “Which can lead us to roll through our days without any real conversation with the Lord.” As Mike gathers daily online with business leaders to pray he notes, “There was nothing that was stopping us from doing that before, so I think it’s these sorts of moments that really bring that out in us.” We find ourselves in an unprecedented laboratory of faith due to this pandemic.


There is a pressure to change quickly and make decisions now, which can make if difficult to make decisions well.  “The truth of the matter is, the Lord has to be your partner in decision making.”  You cannot be aware of what God’s guidance might be if you are remaining in consistent time with Him. Mike confesses, “Before, I got so confident in myself and my own abilities that I didn’t seek the Lord like I should have.”  Seeing the opportunity to learn, grow and deepen our relationship with God will determine how we, as leaders, and our businesses emerge from this season.  Don’t miss Mike’s challenge to make sure we are perceptive to the possibilities God might place in front of us.


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